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  1. Use alcohol free disinfectant wipes to clean your wand.
  2. Unscrew the aluminum cap at the base of your wand head by twisting it to the left ( if you tighten it, you can get it stuck on the threading internally).
  3. Separate the ceramic covers of the wand head by twisting them in opposite directions
  4. Keep the steel threading cylinder with the face end ceramic cover. 
  5. Use the wipes to wipe off excess dried gel and debris,
  6. To reseal the wand, attach the steel threading to the face cover first.  Make sure that the threading is on straight or you will have trouble sealing the two sides properly.
  7. When the threading is fully in the face side cover, pull the wand hose down to get the top close enough to the bottom cover to close it (if you push it down without pulling the hoses in place, you will damage the tubes and prevent coolant from flowing freely).
  8. When you reconnect the two covers, make sure that they are sealed tightly and there are no gaps between the covers or you will get gel and liquid into the wiring which will break the wand.
  9. Replace the aluminum cap when your wand is completely sealed.