Once you have signed your Cryoskin agreement, you should…


  1. Watch our Marketing Ignition Video for a full summary on the support, resources and programs our Marketing Department is offering! Take a look at our New Retailer Starter Kit as well.

  2. Update your website with information about Cryoskin.  For information on having us create a landing page or website for your business, read this article. 

  3. Update your appointment booking software with Cryoskin appointments.  For information on adding services to your booking system, read this article.

  4. Start to post a few social media posts about Cryoskin to create buzz!  See our Social Media folder for select images.

  5. Share a social media “story” or post when you attend training, to educate your existing clients and followers about the new Cryoskin treatment you will be adding to your business. 


About 30 days prior to receiving your Cryoskin, you should….

  1. Start identifying and reaching out to local “influencers” who you can invite to come in for a free session.  The Influencer and Ambassadors folder will suggest who to approach and what to do.

  2. Find local businesses that you can partner with.  Set up a date/time for you to bring your Cryoskin in order to provide treatments. 

  3. Post more regularly about Cryoskin, along with some before/after photos, so that your clients will know the results they can expect. Take a look at our Before & Afters folder for select images.

  4. Order marketing materials (brochures, signs, etc) in our VistaPrint Store!


About 2 weeks prior to receiving your Cryoskin, you should…

  1. Create and send out an email marketing campaign to all of your existing contacts.  See our Email folder for pre-made campaigns and information on MailChimp templates.

  2. Build the buzz around the arrival of Cryoskin to your existing customers. Our How to Talk About it folder includes our elevator pitch and other verbiage for you to speak knowledgeably on Cryoskin before it’s arrival. 

  3. Take pre-bookings for appointments and offer “special” pre-launch pricing.  See this article on “discount pricing”.

  4. Continue to post on social media about Cryoskin- what it does and the results.  Use hashtags of your local city/state to be found more easily.  Visit the Instagram folder for images and the Hashtag Ideas document for popular hashtags.